Fujifilm X-T3
I spent well over a month researching what my first camera should be. When it was time to buy, I had few options to contemplate but I settled with the then-recently-released Fujifilm X-T3. I made that choice because: It wasn’t too pricey given its set of features and qualities, it produces beautiful colors, and it looks absolutely gorgeous. I would be lying if I said the camera’s retro look only mattered a little in my decision-making process. I continue to stare at this camera every once in a while to appreciate its beauty. I haven’t had any regrets since I bought it. I enjoy shooting with this camera and I will be a loyal Fujifilm customer for many years to come.
FUJIFILM XF 18-55mm f/2.8-4
Now that I bought the camera body, I had to decide which lens should go with it. Fujifilm offers a wide variety of lenses for the X-series bodies. Needless to say, it was a hard decision to make . I went with this lens for its versatility and its quality that a lot of Fujifilm users swear by. Now that I have shot hundreds of photos with it, I can attest to that.
FUJIFILM XF 23mm f/2 R WR Lens
Yes, the 18-55mm is great, but you can’t beat the sharpness and low light performance of a prime lens. Before deciding which focal length to buy, I looked at the metadata of my favorite photos and ~23mm repeated a lot so I knew this had to be my next lens.
FUJIFILM XF 35mm f/2 R WR Lens
I bought this for the same reasons I bought the 23mm F/2 + because I want to experiment with portrait photography (given that it is a ~50mm equivalent). I didn’t go with the 50mm because I wanted a lens that can be equally useful for street photography as well.
Peak Design Leash
Boundary Supply Prima System.
This has everything I look for in a photography/travel backpack. Go read a review. Seriously, it would take me a lot to list every single feature I love about this backpack. I am very happy with it.
Boundary Supply
Arclite Sling Pack
I am a big fan of BoundarySupply’s design language. I love my Prima System, but unfortunately it’s not a daily carry because of its size. So when they announced a small and lightweight pack, I was all over it. I love using this sling to carry my Camera + one lens attached w/ few accessories. It’s perfect for a casual afternoon shoot, which I do quite often.
Aer Go Pack
I love my Prima system, but its weight is a trade-off you have to make if you want it to be the jack of all trades. Sometimes I just wanna go out light and shoot with my camera. This is where the Aer Go Pack comes in handy. Whenever I wanna go out for few hours, I take my Prima camera insert and put it inside this backpack’s main compartment to hold my batteries and lenses. I also bought it because I love the prospect of folding it up and putting it inside my travel backpack to use it as a daily carry.